EV Driver Ltd

Today I received a very nice and welcome cheque from HMRC for an R&D tax refund, all thanks to Simon Shuker of RandDTax. To be honest when I was first contacted I was more than sceptical, even though it was an intro from someone I trust, I did not believe that it would not take a considerable amount of my time and end up being a pointless exercise. I think I have a hat for supper today!

Luckily Simon has good grasp on the type of work we have been doing, as he comes from an engineering background so explaining the tech combined with hardware and innovation was not an issue. Having had an initial call or two he set up a zoom (this was 2020 after all!) with Terry Toms and myself, and we all agreed that indeed EV Driver had a good reason to look into this in more detail. The issue being I had very little time to spare but I was assured that as good accounts have been kept it would not need me to be over involved and as the fee was based on a % of a successful claim, I had little to lose but time. He was right, I set aside half a day initially  to pull everything together and a few calls and read throughs and we were there. They insisted my accountants check over things and the claim was duly submitted.

The work that we put in during those early days of setting up our network, testing roaming and interoperability, building a customer service solution have all helped to grow and develop not just EV Driver but the industry as we share knowledge with others.  Today I feel like that has been recognised and rewarded. Thank you so much for help and hard work over the last few months.

Linda Grave – CEO